Stewart's D Windows Framework Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
smjg.libs.sdwf.eventstr.ActivationEventThe smjg.libs.sdwf.windowbase.ActivationEvent structure contains information about an instance of activating or deactivating a window
smjg.libs.sdwf.application.ApplicationSDWF application as a whole
smjg.libs.sdwf.framewindow.BarAbstract base class for 'bar' controls
smjg.libs.sdwf.dc.BezierSegmentDescribes a segment of a Bezier curve
smjg.libs.sdwf.gdiobject.BitmapBitmap, either loaded from a resource or created at runtime
smjg.libs.sdwf.gdiobject.BrushBrush, used to fill shapes and backgrounds
smjg.libs.sdwf.control.ButtonInterfaces a push button control
smjg.libs.sdwf.caret.CaretWindow's caret (text cursor)
smjg.libs.d12comp.CArray< T >General array. Defined as const(T)[] under D 2.x
smjg.libs.sdwf.control.CheckBoxInterfaces a check box
smjg.libs.sdwf.mdi.ChildFrameWindowWindow that is to be used as an MDI child, which in turn frames a client pane
smjg.libs.sdwf.mdi.ChildWindowWindow that is to be used as an MDI child
smjg.libs.sdwf.clipboard.ClipboardHolds a lock on the Windows clipboard
smjg.libs.sdwf.clipboarddata.ClipboardDataData that may be copied to the clipboard
smjg.libs.sdwf.clipboard.ClipboardExceptionThe smjg.libs.sdwf.control.ClipboardException class is an exception thrown when a clipboard operation fails
smjg.libs.sdwf.commondialog.ColourDialogWraps the Windows colour common dialog
smjg.libs.sdwf.control.ComboBoxInterfaces a combo box (simple, drop-down or drop-down list)
smjg.libs.sdwf.commondialog.CommonDialogBase class of common dialog classes
smjg.libs.sdwf.commondialog.CommonDialogExceptionAn exception thrown if an error occurs while trying to execute a common dialog
smjg.libs.sdwf.control.ControlBase of classes used to interface dialog controls
smjg.libs.sdwf.control.ControlExceptionException thrown when a control operation fails
smjg.libs.d12comp.CPtr< T >General pointer. Defined as const(T)* under D 2.x
smjg.libs.sdwf.cursor_icon.CursorOrIconAbstract base class from which the MouseCursor and Icon classes are derived
smjg.libs.sdwf.dc.DCBase class of DC wrapper classes
smjg.libs.sdwf.dc.DCExceptionException thrown when a DC operation fails
smjg.libs.sdwf.except.DefinedAPIExceptionError generated by a Windows API call that uses SetLastError to set an error code
smjg.libs.sdwf.dialog.DialogDefines basic behaviour of a dialog box
smjg.libs.sdwf.dialog.DialogExceptionException thrown when a dialog operation fails
smjg.libs.sdwf.dragdrop.DroppedFilesThe DroppedFiles structure contains information about one or more files dragged and dropped into a window
smjg.libs.sdwf.control.EditBoxInterfaces a single-line or multi-line text edit control
smjg.libs.sdwf.control.EditOperations<>Editing operations
smjg.libs.sdwf.commondialog.FileDialogWraps the Open and Save As common dialogs
smjg.libs.sdwf.dragdrop.FileDragDropHandlerUsed to handle dragging and dropping of files into a window
smjg.libs.sdwf.findreplace.FindReplaceDialogThe Find and Replace common dialogs
smjg.libs.sdwf.findreplace.FindReplaceHandlerUsed to handle messages from the Find and Replace common dialogs
smjg.libs.sdwf.gdiobject.FontFont configuration
smjg.libs.sdwf.commondialog.FontDialogWraps the Windows font common dialog
smjg.libs.sdwf.framewindow.FrameWindowWindow that frames another window or control
smjg.libs.sdwf.gdiobject.GDIObjectAbstract base class from which Windows GDI objects are derived
smjg.libs.sdwf.gdiobject.GDIObjectExceptionException thrown if an error occurs while creating a GDI object, such as insufficient system resources
smjg.libs.sdwf.globalmem.GlobalMemoryLockHolds a lock on a global memory object
smjg.libs.sdwf.globalmem.GlobalMemoryObjectEncapsulates a memory block allocated on the Windows heap
smjg.libs.sdwf.cursor_icon.IconIcon image
smjg.libs.sdwf.imagelist.ImageListImage list
smjg.libs.sdwf.control.ListBoxInterfaces a list box
smjg.libs.sdwf.mdi.MDIChildWindow<>The smjg.libs.sdwf.mdi.MDIChildWindow template implements some operations on MDI child windows
smjg.libs.sdwf.mdi.MDIFrameWindowMDI application window
smjg.libs.sdwf.dc.MemoryDCMemory device context, typically used for transferring bitmaps bar or drop-down menu's top-level menu bar
smjg.libs.sdwf.windowbase.MenuExceptionException thrown when a menu operation fails menu item menu
smjg.libs.sdwf.cursor_icon.MouseCursorMouse cursor image
smjg.libs.sdwf.dc.PaintDCUsed to repaint a window
smjg.libs.sdwf.gdiobject.PaletteColour palette
smjg.libs.sdwf.gdiobject.PaletteEntryWrapper around the Windows API PALETTEENTRY data type
smjg.libs.sdwf.gdiobject.PenPen, used to draw lines, curves and geometric figures
smjg.libs.sdwf.geometry.PointPoint in two dimensions defined by integer coordinates
smjg.libs.sdwf.print.PrintDCDevice context for a printer
smjg.libs.sdwf.print.PrintDCBaseBase class from which the PrintDC class is derived
smjg.libs.sdwf.print.PrintDialogWraps the Windows print common dialog
smjg.libs.sdwf.print.PrintoutDocument for printing
smjg.libs.sdwf.control.RadioButtonInterfaces a radio button control
smjg.libs.sdwf.control.RadioButtonGroupUsed to interface a group of radio buttons
smjg.libs.sdwf.geometry.RectRectangle defined by integer coordinates
smjg.libs.sdwf.colour.RGBColourColour stored in 24-bit RGB
smjg.libs.sdwf.scroller.ScrollDimensionDimension in which scrolling is possible
smjg.libs.sdwf.scroller.ScrollerUsed to implement scrolling in a window
smjg.libs.sdwf.except.SDWFExceptionBase class of exceptions thrown by SDWF functions
smjg.libs.sdwf.statusbar.StatusBarInterfaces a status bar
smjg.libs.sdwf.statusbar.StatusBarPartThe StatusBarPart class represents an individual part of a status bar
smjg.libs.sdwf.commoncontrol.TrackBarInterfaces a trackbar (slider) control
smjg.libs.sdwf.commoncontrol.TreeItemThe TreeItem class represents an item in a tree-view control
smjg.libs.sdwf.commoncontrol.TreeViewInterfaces a tree-view list box
smjg.libs.sdwf.except.UnknownAPIExceptionAn unidentified error generated by a Windows API call that does not call SetLastError
smjg.libs.sdwf.geometry.VectorVector in two dimensions defined by integer coordinates
smjg.libs.sdwf.window.WindowDefines basic behaviour of a window
smjg.libs.sdwf.windowbase.WindowBaseAbstract base class from which the Window, Dialog and Control classes are derived
smjg.libs.sdwf.windowbase.WindowBaseExceptionException thrown when a menu operation fails
smjg.libs.sdwf.windowbase.WindowClassWindows window class
smjg.libs.sdwf.dc.WindowDCDevice context for a window

Generated on Sun Jan 11 21:54:03 2009 for Stewart's D Windows Framework by  doxygen 1.5.4